
ThermoFisher Orbitrap Exploris 480 Quadrupole-orbitrap ultra high resolution mass spectrometer

Instrument introduction:

Orbitrap Exploris 480, as a new generation of quadrupole Orbitrap ultra-high resolution mass spectrometer, is equipped with an improved active ion transport system with axial double bending, and an ultrahigh field Orbitrap mass analyzer. A more efficient ion source allows more ions to enter the mass spectrometer and increases sensitivity. The electric ion funnel can effectively capture ions from the transmission tube, and its wide range of transmission curve can further reduce ion loss and improve sensitivity. The active ion transmission system prevents neutrals from entering the four-stage quardrupole, and improves robustness of the instrument by eliminating discharge. The quadrupole mass isolation window can be set at as low as 0.4 a.m.u., improving sensitivity and selectivity. The segmented structure and polarity switching function of the quadrupole can improve durability of the instrument. Multistage ion channels make ion enrichment and HCD fragmentation more efficient. Ultrahigh field Orbitrap mass analyzer can provide resolution up to 480,000 and scanning speed up to 40 Hz. The instrument can be used for metabolomics analysis when combined with UPLC system including Thermoisher Vanquish/Waters I-Class, and can be used for proteomics analysis when connected to nanoLC system including ThermoFisher Vanquish Neo/Evosep One. The Orbitrap Exploris 480 is a workhorse in the field of metabolomics and proteomics research.


Proteomics analysis; metabolite identification, quantitation and metabolomics analysis.

Key Specifications:

Mass analyzer: Orbitrap

Scanning range: m/z 40-6000

Resolution: 15,000~ 480,000

Ion source: Electrospray Ionization Source

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