
Biological Mass Spectrometry Center (BMSC) provides mass spectrometry, chromatography, and analytical chemistry related technical services to all research groups and core facilities at CIBR. BMSC is equipped with ion mobility Q-TOF high-resolution mass spectrometer, quadrupole-Orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometer, triple quadrupole mass spectrometers, ultra-performance liquid chromatograph, and ion chromatograph. BMSC exists to support researchers developing and validating mass spectrometry and chromatography-based methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis of brain-related metabolites and metabolomics analysis of brain-related tissues and cell lines. BMSC also provides high-resolution mass spectrometry-based proteomics research for method development, validation, and sample analysis, including protein identification, post-translational modification analysis, and quantitative proteomics analysis using technical routes such as label-free, DIA, iTRAQ/TMT/SILAC, etc. BSMC is dedicated to developing metabolomics and proteomics methods for minute amounts of tissue/cell samples even at single-cell level.

  • Triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer

  • ThermoFisher TSQ Altis triple quadrupole mass spectrometer

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