The Security Management Measures of BMSC

1. In order to strengthen  BMSC, ensure the safety and property of every researcher of CIBR, and maintain the normal order of scientific research, the center for optical imaging formulate this regulation, according to the relevant national safety regulations and the actual situation. 

2. Follow the principles of “who is in charge, who is responsible” and “who uses, who takes responsible”, which based on the guideline of “safety and prevention first”. 

3. The director of BMSC takes the main responsibility for the safety management of the center for optical imaging, taking charge of establishment of the safety system, the management of safety facilities, the supervision and inspection of safety work, the comprehensive assessment of the safety performance of technicians, and the implementation of the security work arranged by superior organization. 

4. The assistants and technicians of BMSC must inspect the fire prevention, explosion prevention and injury prevention measures of the safety key positions in the experimental area regularly. Special personnel are responsible for the management of special equipment, hazardous chemicals and waste, and hazardous experiments in the experimental area. 

5. The experimental operators must abide by operating procedures strictly. If users finish experiment or leave the laboratory temporarily, necessary measures are required to dispose the experimental apparatus, check the settings of the equipment, water, electricity, gas, etc. and make a record. 

6. The term of "chemical dangerous goods" refers to seven categories of articles, including explosives, compressed and liquefied gases, flammable liquids, flammable solids, spontaneous combustion, wet flammable materials, oxidants and organic peroxides, drugs and corrosives, which are listed in the national standard GB13690-92 "Classification and Marking of Commonly Used Hazardous Chemicals". 

7. Fire safety

a) BMSC is equipped with sufficient fire-fighting equipment. The experimenter should know the place where the fire-fighting equipment is placed, learn the knowledge of fire-fighting, and master the common sense of “four know, four employ” which means knowing the hazards of fire, measures of fire prevention, methods of fire-fighting and escapement, as well as employing how to make an alarm, use fire extinguishers, initially extinguish fire and escape.

b) Any form of fire is strictly forbidden in BMCS.

c) The assistants and technicians of the center should check the power supply, water source and fire source of the laboratory regularly and make records. Please handle it in time once hidden dangers are discovered.

d) Smoking and non-essential electric heating equipment are strictly prohibited in BMCS. 

8. Do not wear gloves to open and close the door, touch non-experimental areas . 

9. Before being used for experimental work, all animals and plants, microorganisms, biological products, biological agents and other biological products involved in the risk of life and ecological safety should be approved by the team leader, and then reviewed by the center for optical imaging. The ultimate responsibility is borne by the head of the research team. 

10. The biological waste (including the corpses and fur of experimental animals) should be collected in a specialized container, which shall be clearly marked, temporarily stored at the designated location, and immediately taken away from the experimental area of the center after the experiment. 

11. The chemical waste should be taken away immediately from BMSC and collected and processed by relevant departments after the experiment. Don`t directly discharge any chemical wastes, such as inflammable, explosive, toxic, harmful and corrosive, to indoor and outdoor sewers. 

12. Anyone who violates the relevant management rules and regulations of BMSC for the first time and does not cause an accident, shall be criticized and educated. If the incorrect behavior leads to serious circumstances, the relevant qualification shall be cancelled for 3 weeks, and the recidivism shall be deprived the use of all facilities of the imaging platform for 3 weeks. If the same research group make more than 3 serious violations within 2 months, then the use right of the research group shall be cancelled for 2 weeks. 

13. Anyone who triggers a security accident with a huge economic loss due to violating the relevant management rules and regulations of  BMSC, shall be assessed by the director of the CIBR and the Expert Committee of the Center for Optical Imaging to determine the responsible person and the punishment measures. 

14. Please contact the staff of BMSC to dispose once there is a sign of accident. The notifier and the laboratory will be rewarded for free use of the facilities. 

15. These measures shall be implemented as of the date of promulgation. BMSC reserve all the right for the final explanation.

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